Description of lung function printout

What do the terms FEV1, FVC. FEV1% and PEF mean on the lung function printout?
Occupational Asthma, Worker, 2/20/2006, 2/20/2006,

The print out lists the predicted value (based on age, sex, height and race); the observed value and the observed value as a percentage of the predicted value.
The parameters measured are
FEV1; the volume of air exhaled in one second during a forced maximal exhalation
FVC; the volume of air exhaled after a maximum inhalation and exhalation until no more air comes out
FEV1%; the observed FEV1 as a percentage of the observed FVC (a measure of airflow obstruction)
PEF; the peak expiratory flow or maximum flow achieved after a maximal inhalation and forced exhalation.


FEV 1%

FE 1.95

FEC 1.95

PEF = Peak Expiratory Flow

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