Occupational asthma specialists in northern NJ

This may take a bit. I have had asthma for several years. I started at my job with no health problems. A few months after starting the job I began to suffer from several severe cases of tonsillitis. Two physicians have told me that the problem is not my tonsils. I still have them. Eventually I ended up with asthma. There is no history of asthma in my family. Shortly after I started work, we started using a liquid form of silicone. We used it very, very liberally with no safety instructions or any protection. We used this for several years until a co worker did some research on it and turned his findings over to someone in the building. The liquid was instantly removed from the work floor. However, I never really paid attention to this until recently. The employee had given me a copy of his findings I read them and was shocked to learn that there were all kinds of safety precautions we were supposed to take. It also stated that my employer was supposed to montior our health for 20 years after using this substance. No one at anytime has ever contacted me about my health. Several people at work also have a variety of skin problems due to using this substance.

Finally, my question. Are there any physicians in northern NJ who specialize in Occupational Asthma who may be able to help me prove my case? By the way the liquid we used was called Slide And Glide and contained 1,1,1,Trichloroethane. Please let me know if there is anything you can do to assist me.


Jan Votaw

Occupational Asthma, Worker, 2/20/2006, 2/20/2006,

Asthma starting for the first time in a job may be due to an exposure related to the job, or may be caused by something completely different. Asthma starting for the first time in adult life is fairly uncommon, but can follow chest infections, large exposures to irritants, new non-occupational allergies or something at work. At present we think that at least 10% of adult onset asthma is caused by an exposure at work. If work is the cause, the asthma is nearly always better on holidays away from work, and usually better on days away from work. You can get help on how to start getting evidence for (or against) occupational asthma from the I'm confused section of this website, please start keeping a peak flow record. With this plotted you will be in a much stronger position to get a correct diagnosis.
Trichloroethane is a solvent and not really described as a cause of occupational asthma. Solvents do not usually cause occupational asthma, it is the things that are dissolved in the solvents that are the more likely cause. There may be something completely different in your workplace, but in general it needs to be breathed in as a dust or fume.
I hope somebody in the USA will help with the New Jersey experts in occupational asthma.


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