Welding aggravated asthma

I just started welding reciently at a local school, I have had asthma since I was about 14, Im 25 now and it has been totally under control for the past few years. I've only been welding for about a month and I started to notice I have been weezing more and was getting short of breadth a lot, having to take lots of breaks because of it. Could the welding be agrivating my asthma? Is it a bad idea to get into welding if I aready have asthma?


Occupational Asthma, Specialist, 2/20/2006, 2/20/2006,

Welding fume is one of the most common causes of asthma reported to the UK surveillance scheme SWORD. There are few reported well documented cases where the agents resposible have been clearly identified. The data with stainless steel welding is clear (the cause being chrome fumes); there are a few cases with asthma (rather than metal fume fever) after welding with galvanised material or other (zinc coated steel). There are many others who report new or worsening asthma from welding fume where there is no chrome or zinc.
It is worth validating your impressions with serial measurements of peak flow as described on this website (in the Workers section), as there may be other causes for your worsening asthma which are not yet recognised. If the welding fume is confirmed as causing worsening of your asthma, relocation to a job away from welding fume is indicated. This is something to discuss with your occupational health service.
Occupational asthma: Occupational asthma due to stainless steel welding; first large series Occupational asthma due to stainless steel welding; first large series
Occupational asthma: Workers Workers

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