Nitrogen Trichloride test

I have a posible case of occupational asthma arising in a leisure centre. Is there any reliable test method for nitrogen trichloride?
Occupational Asthma, Specialist, 2/20/2006, 2/20/2006,

It is possible to measure nitrogen trichloride using a tube containing silica gel coated with sulphamic acid to trap hypochlorite and mono- and dichloramine along with a cassette containing a quartz filter treated with sodium carbonate and diarsenic trioxide to trap nitrogen trichloride.
The method is proposed in the reference below. The sampling and recovery efficiency of the filters used has been reported to be >95%.

Abstract Available for Exposure to chloramines in the atmosphere of indoor swimming pools Hery M, Hecht G, Gerber JM, Gendre JC, Hubert G, Rebuffaud J, Exposure to chloramines in the atmosphere of indoor swimming pools, Ann Occup Hyg, 1995;39:427-439,


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