Can you get occupational asthma from exposure to cadmium in pigments?
Davison AG, Fayers PM, Newman Taylor AJ, Venables KM, Darbyshire J, Pickering CAC, Chettle DR, Franklin D, Guthrie CJ, Scott MC, O'Malley D, Holden H, Mason HJ, Wright AL, Gompertz D, Taylor AJ, et al,
Cadmium fume inhalation and emphysema,
Mason HJ, Davison AG, Wright AL, Guthrie CJ, Fayers PM, Venables KM, Smith NJ, Chettle DR, Franklin DM, Scott MC, et al,
Relations between liver cadmium, cumulative exposure, and renal function in cadmium alloy workers,
Brit J Industr Med,