Missing information in Oasys analysis
Under analysis, Oasys 2 has several sections. In the section labelled "Analysis & data quality" how is Oasys 2 calculating variable exposure (VE), learning effects (LE) laze effects (LZ), respiratory tract infection (RRT?) and overall data quality score. Why do I only get information in E and F? For all the diary cards entered the sections A, B, C, D and G have no information.
When Oasys 2 was originally set up, the program was going to automatically pick out what it thought to be major learning effects, laze effects, respiratory infection effects and variable exposures so that these could be removed as confounding factors. However, this was never validated and has therefore been left blank, which is why you only get information in E and F. If you need to remove any information which you think may contain these effects, the best way of removing data is to go into the notepad version (od1 file) and delete the data manually.
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