What are the sensitivity and the specificity of specific IgE testing in the diagnosis of validated cases of occupational asthma?
The following references have been associated with this question by users of this website. They do not form part of the BOHRF occupational asthma guidelines.
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Elms 2005 |
provides some evidence for specific IgE to colophony adducts for the first time. No evidence for diagnostic sensitivity/specificity against specific challenge |
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Beach 2007 |
Specific IgE sensitivity 73.3% (64-81)High MW; 31.2% (23-41)Low MW. Specificity 79.0% (50-93) High MW; 88.9% (77-92) Low MW
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Campo 2007 |
IgE to HDI polymers generally more sensitive than monomers. Sensitivity (vs challenge tests) 21.7 vs 8.7% (n=23 |
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Smith 2007 |
The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the latex-specific IgE serology was 54% and 87.5%, respectively, in comparison with NAL skin tests. The addition of rHev b 5 to the ImmunoCAP® (enhanced latex) allergosorbent altered the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the ImmunoCAP® to 77% and 75%, respectively.
NB no gold standard |
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Gomez-Olles 2007 |
The optimal EIA procedure for soy aeroallergen exposure assessment depends on the type of work environment and the local soy dust composition. Thus, the type of work environment should always be taken into account in future soy allergy studies in order to prevent a possible underestimation of the workers' actual risk of developing soy allergy
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Pronk 2007 |
IgE to Desmodur N100 (trimeric biuret) and Desmodur N3300 (HDI oligomer) present in no controls and 1-4.2% of exposed groups. Work-related chest tightness more common in those with specific IgE. |
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van 2008 |
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Sander 2006 |
evidence of cross-reactivity and lack of specificity for gum arabic |
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Dragos 2009 |
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Munoz 2004 |
sensitivity 50% (4/8) specificity 100% for potassium persulphate 5% w/v |
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Sauni 2010 |
skin prick tests to cobalt chloride 1mg/ml negative in all challenge positive cases |
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Sander 2011 |
All workers selected had positive IgE to a wheat extract, so sensitivity of individual recombinabt allergens could not be estimated. All controls also had positive IgE to wheat but were not occupational exposed and had no symptoms related to wheat exposure. |
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Hannu 2013 |
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H. 2015 |
Cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants are rare causes of cross-reactivity between grass pollen and wheat flour in UK bakers with occupational asthma |
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Lux 2019 |
good meta-analysis |
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Baur 2019 |