
Karjalainen A, Martikainen R, Klaukka T et al, Risk of asthma among Finnish patients with occupational rhinitis, Chest, 2003;123:283-288,

BOHRF Original Authors' Main Conclusions

The original authors' main conclusions are taken from Abstract, Results and Discussion. They are decided upon by the authors of the BOHRF occupational asthma guidelines and form part of the guidelines.

Authors found a clearly elevated risk of asthma among patients with occupational rhinitis (OR) compared with patients with other occupational diseases. (96% of persons had the same job title at time of onset of OR & occupational asthma). The risk of asthma was especially high during the year following notification. 11.6% of OR patients developed occupational asthma in the follow up period compared to 3.1% among referents. Crude incidence rate = 19/1000/yr vs 4/1000/year crude relative risk = 4.8. Relative risk varied according to occupation/allergen - highest in farming, laboratory animal work and woodworking. Mean interval OR to occupational asthma = 31 months.

The following comments are from the editors of the BOHRF occupational asthma guidelines and form part of the guidelines.

3,637 non asthmatic OR patients from Finnish Register of Occupational Disease. Referents = 31,457 non-occupational asthma non-OR occupational disease cases 1988 through 1999. Study end 31 Dec 2001

BOHRF Associated Evidence Statements

The BOHRF occupational asthma guidelines state that this reference is associated with the following evidence statements

** 2+ Rhino-conjunctivitis is more likely to appear before the onset of IgE associated occupational asthma.

* 2- The risk of developing occupational asthma is highest in the year after the onset of occupational rhinitis.

Non Bohrf Information

This page is showing the information from the BOHRF occupational asthma guidelines for this reference. To see additional information, including opinions left by users of this website please view the full reference. This page allows users to comment on the reference and suggest it as evidence for questions. These may be the existing questions from the Bohrf occupational asthma guidelines or questions that have been put forward by users of this website.

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