BOHRF Original Authors' Main Conclusions
The original authors' main conclusions are taken from Abstract, Results and
Discussion. They are decided upon by the authors of the BOHRF occupational
asthma guidelines and form part of the guidelines.
63 subjects studied after cessation of exposure (>60months), 49 of whom are still symptomatic. The symptomatic subjects had history of more prolonged exposure after onset of symptoms as compared to respective asymptomatic group. Authors infer that the nature of the product responsible for the reaction may play a role and also the type of asthmatic reaction documented at the time of diagnosis through specific inhalation challenge could influence the prognosis. Conclude that subjects with occupational asthma caused by various agents can remain symptomatic of asthma and demonstrate a persistence of bronchial obstruction and hyper-excitability for prolonged periods after cessation of exposure.
BOHRF Associated Evidence Statements
The BOHRF occupational asthma guidelines state that this reference is associated
with the following evidence statements
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