BOHRF Original Authors' Main Conclusions
The original authors' main conclusions are taken from Abstract, Results and
Discussion. They are decided upon by the authors of the BOHRF occupational
asthma guidelines and form part of the guidelines.
In an effort to prevent LAA, a comprehensive program to reduce exposure to environmental allergens was developed in a major pharmaceutical company. The program included education, engineering controls, administrative controls, use of personal protective equipment, and medical surveillance and was surveyed for 5 years. After instituting this program, authors found that the prevalence of LAA ranged from 12%-22% and that the incidence was reduced to zero during the last 2 years of observation. Authors conclude that LAA is preventable through the implementation of a comprehensive effort to reduce exposure to allergens.
BOHRF Associated Evidence Statements
The BOHRF occupational asthma guidelines state that this reference is associated
with the following evidence statements
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