
Droste J, Myny K, Van Sprundel M et al, Allergic sensitisation, symptoms, and lung function among bakery workers as compared with a nonexposed work population, J Occup Environ Med, 2003;45:648-655,

BOHRF Original Authors' Main Conclusions

The original authors' main conclusions are taken from Abstract, Results and Discussion. They are decided upon by the authors of the BOHRF occupational asthma guidelines and form part of the guidelines.

Study aimed to estimate the risk among bakery workers of respiratory and allergic disorders relative to that of a reference group of workers without a particular occupational exposure. A random sample of 246 bakers was compared with a reference population of 251 workers from a petrochemical plant in the same region. On average, bakery workers did not more often have skin test positivity than reference workers. However, bakery workers had a strongly increased risk of sensitisation to specific bakery allergens, whereas their risks of positive skin tests to common allergens, including wheat pollen and storage mite, were significantly decreased. Bakery workers had significantly more often respiratory and work-related symptoms. Accordingly, they had lower lung function parameters. Atopy and sensitisation to bakers' allergens were independent and additional risk factors for work-related symptoms.

BOHRF Associated Evidence Statements

The BOHRF occupational asthma guidelines state that this reference is associated with the following evidence statements

*** 2++ Atopy increases the risk of developing occupational asthma caused by exposure to many high molecular weight agents that induce the production of specific IgE antibodies.

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