
Casteleyn L, Allergy: Accuracy, relevance, “need/necessity,” and consequences associated with occupational testing for atopy, Int J Occup Environ Health, 1996;2:S24-S26,
(Plain text: Casteleyn L, Allergy: Accuracy, relevance, "need/necessity," and consequences associated with occupational testing for atopy, Int J Occup Environ Health)

Excluded from BOHRF

This paper has been excluded from the BOHRF occupational asthma guidelines for the reason shown below

Did not meet standard methodological quality. This is very much a discussion paper but contains relevant material as to the issues of sensitivity, specificity and predictive value both in relation to the identification of the risk factor (eg family history, personal history or SPT to define atopy) and in terms of the disease outcome. A soundly argued text but largely opinion based on wide knowledge of the subject and experience. Review of 2 papers included elsewhere.

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