Occupational Asthma Reference

Mapp CE, Saetta M, Maestrelli P, Di Stefano A, Chitano P, Boschetto P, Ciaccia A, Fabbri LM, Mechanisms and pathology of occupational asthma., Eur Respir J, 1994;7:544-554,

Keywords: oa, asthma, methods, mechanism

Known Authors

Leo Fabbri, University of Moderna and Reggio Emilia Leo Fabbri

Piero Maestrelli, Padova University, Italy Piero Maestrelli

Christina Mapp, Padova University Christina Mapp

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Since the pathogenesis and the pathological features of occupational asthma are similar to those of nonoccupational asthma, the former represents a very useful model for the investigation of the pathogenesis of asthma in general. More than one mechanism may be operative in occupational asthma. Among the mechanisms proposed, immunological mechanisms and airway inflammation play an important role. There is evidence to confirm that T-lymphocyte activation and local accumulation in the bronchial wall of activated eosinophils occurs in asthma of diverse aetiology, i.e. immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated, occupational and intrinsic. Neurogenic pathways should be further investigated as a potential mechanism of modulation and amplification of airway inflammation in occupational asthma.

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