Occupational Asthma Reference

Forrest LM, McMillan DC, McArdle CS, Dunlop DJ, An evaluation of the impact of a multidisciplinary team, in a single centre, on treatment and survival in patients with inoperable non-small-cell lung cancer, British journal of cancer, 2005;93:977-978,doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6602825 www.bjcancer.com

Keywords: MDT, lung cancer

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Treatment and survival of patients with inoperable Non-small-cell lung cancer in 1997 (n=117) and 2001 (n=126), before and after the introduction of a multidisciplinary team, was examined in a single centre. There were no differences in age, sex and extent of deprivation between the two years. However, in 2001, 23% of patients received chemotherapy treatment compared with 7% in 1997 (P<0.001). Median survival in 2001 was 6.6 months compared with 3.2 months in 1997 (P<0.001).

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