Occupational Asthma Reference

Polosa R, Campagna D, Tashkin D, Subacute bronchial toxicity induced by an electronic cigarette: take home message, Thorax, 2014;69:596-597,10.1136/thoraxjnl-2014-205230

Keywords: sokin, electonic cigar, e cigar, case report,

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The case-based discussion of an adult smoker with respiratory symptoms and worsened pulmonary function shortly after switching to an electronic cigarette (e-cig can be interpreted differently.

Ironically, some people experience transient (days/weeks) worsening of respiratory symptoms (cough, wheezing, chest tightness) after quitting.2 Cough and breathlessness have been reported when switching to e-cigs, but progressive improvement in respiratory symptoms is usually observed with regular use of these products

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