Occupational Asthma Reference

Weng S-C, Weaver WA, Zare Afifi M, Blatchley TN, Cramer JS, Chen J, Blatchley III ER, Dynamics of gas-phase trichloramine (NCl3) in chlorinated, indoor swimming pool facilities, Indoor Air, 2011;21:391-399,

Keywords: method, air measurement, nitrogen trichloride, chloramine, swimming pool, usa,

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Trichloramine (NCl3) is recognized as an irritant of the human respiratory system and other tissues. Processes that lead to volatilization from the liquid phase allow for human exposure to gas-phase NCl3 in swimming pool settings. The dynamics of these processes are not well defined. A N,N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine/potassium iodide (DPD/KI)-based wet-chemistry method for measuring gas-phase NCl3 concentration was verified and applied in chlorinated, indoor swimming pool facilities. Other gas-phase oxidants in the air of indoor pools provided interference of 15% or less. The DPD/KI method was applied for the measurement of gas-phase NCl3 in four chlorinated, indoor swimming pool facilities. All results showed a correlation between bather loading and gas-phase NCl3 concentration. The nature of swimmer activities also influenced air quality, presumably because of the effects of these activities on mixing near the gas–liquid interface.

Practical Implications
The activities of swimmers promote transfer of volatile compounds from water to the surrounding air. For chlorinated, indoor pool facilities, this can lead to exposure to gas-phase chemicals that can cause irritation of the respiratory system and other tissues. The focus of this study was on NCl3, a common disinfection by-product (DBP) in chlorinated pools. However, the conditions that promote NCl3 transfer are likely to promote transfer of other volatile chemicals from water to air. As such, it is possible that other DBPs formed in pools may also contribute to diminished air quality.

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new simpler method for measuring nitrogen trichloride in swimming pool air

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