Occupational Asthma Reference

Wiszniewska M, Zgorzelska-Kowalik J, Nowakowska-wirta E, Palczynski C, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants in diagnostics of occupational allergy – preliminary results, Allergy, 2010;65:664-665,
(Plain text: Wiszniewska M, Zgorzelska-Kowalik J, Nowakowska-wirta E, Palczynski C, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants in diagnostics of occupational allergy - preliminary results, Allergy)

Keywords: glycan, MUXF3, Maltose binding protein

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Jolanta Walusiak, Lodz Jolanta Walusiak

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Detection of CCDs is not helpful in differentiation diagnostics of occupational and not occupational allergy. Study of bakers, farmers, carpenters and health-care workers.

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