Occupational Asthma Reference

Bancalari L, Dente FL, Cianchetti S, Prontera C, Taccola M, Bacci E, Carletti A, Di Franco A, Giannini D, Vagaggini B, Ferdeghini M, Paggiaro PL, Blood markers of early and late airway responses to allergen in asthmatic subjects. Relationship with functional findings, Allergy: European Journal of Allergy & Clinica, 1997;52:32-40,
(Plain text: Bancalari L, Dente FL, Cianchetti S, Prontera C, Taccola M, Bacci E, Carletti A, Di Franco A, Giannini D, Vagaggini B, Ferdeghini M, Paggiaro PL, Blood markers of early and late airway responses to allergen in asthmatic subjects. Relationship with functional findings, Allergy: European Journal of Allergy & Clinical Im)

Keywords: histamine, eosinophil, FEV1, ECP, NCA

Known Authors

Pierluigi Paggiaro, Ospedale Cisanello, Pisa, Italy Pierluigi Paggiaro

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We evaluated the relationship between blood markers of mast-cell (plasma histamine and serum level of heat-stable neutrophil chemotactic activity [NCA]) and eosinophil (serum eosinophil cationic protein [ECP]) activation during early airway response (EAR) and late airway response (LAR) to allergen inhalation in 24 asthmatic subjects. After EAR, 14 subjects showed significant LAR (FEV1 fall: > or = 25%), while 10 subjects showed equivocal LAR (FEV1 fall: 15-20%). A significant increase from baseline value was observed in plasma histamine and in serum NCA during both EAR and LAR, while serum ECP significantly increased only during LAR. The sensitivity of different markers to detect significant FEV1 fall during EAR and LAR was low, except for NCA. Changes in blood mediators were similar in both groups with significant and equivocal LAR. There was a significant relationship between the increase in NCA during EAR and the severity of LAR. Stepwise regression between changes in different blood markers showed a significant relationship between histamine increase during EAR and ECP increase during LAR. Thus, serum NCA is a more sensitive marker of EAR and LAR than plasma histamine and serum ECP, and its increase during EAR seems predictive of the severity of the subsequent LAR

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