Occupational Asthma Reference

Kolacinska B, Gorski P, Clinical state, bronchial reactivity and atopic symptoms in patients with occupational bronchial asthma 3-4 years after cessation of occupational exposure, Medycyna Pracy, 1996;47:347-352,

Keywords: oa, Poland, fu, asthma, control, questionnaire, cough, Respiratory Function Tests

Known Authors

Pawel Gorski, University of Lodz, Poland Pawel Gorski

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The results of numerous studies of occupational bronchial asthma proved that bronchial spasticity and nonspecific bronchial hyperreactivity persists after cessation of occupational exposure. The aim of the study was to evaluate the condition of patients with bronchial asthma after cessation of occupational exposure. A group of 23 patients with bronchial asthma had been observed twice: 1-6 months after cessation of occupational exposure and then 36 or 48 months later. An analysis of the clinical progress, both during the diagnostic process and the control examination, was based on a questionnaire including questions on cough intensity, dysponca, mean daily use of aerosol beta-mimetics and daily oral and inhalatory doses of corticosteroids. The analysis covered the month during the year proceeding the examination in which patients found themselves in the best psychosomatic condition. During both periods considered by patients themselves as the best ones from the clinical point of view, respiratory function tests and allergological tests were performed. The majority of patients with occupational bronchial asthma had reported, 2-3 years after cessation of occupational exposure, subjective complaints which indicated the improvement of their clinical condition. In those patients, the decrease in the intensity of specific allergic reactions was not observed. In the majority of patients with occupational bronchial asthma nonspecific bronchial hyperreactivity has not diminished despite a two-year break in occupational exposure

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