Occupational Asthma Reference

Chan CC, Cheong TH, Lee HS, Wang YT, Poh SC, Case of occupational asthma due to glue containing cyanoacrylate, Ann Acad Med Singapore, 1994;23:731-733,

Keywords: oa, peak flow, glue, cyanoacrylate, Singapore

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Cyanoacrylates are a rare cause of occupational asthma, there being only six cases reported previously. High humidity has been implicated to be protective in the pathogenesis of the asthma. This is a case report of occupational asthma due to cyanoacrylate glue after working three years in a factory manufacturing doors. Diagnosis was made by history, serial peak flow measurements on and off work and specific inhalation challenge which elicited a delayed bronchoconstrictive response. An unusual feature of this case was the positive reaction to cyanoacrylate despite the high ambient humidity in Singapore

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