Occupational Asthma Reference

Schonenberger P, Savolainen H, Protein antigens in case of asthma, rhinitis and dermatitis in patients occupationally exposed to flour, Schweiz Med Wochenschr, 1994;Journal:1046-1051,

Keywords: asthma, rhinitis, dermatitis, flour, rye, ag, antigen

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21 patients gave sera to clarify their clinical hypersensitivity towards flour proteins. 6 had dermatitis, 3 rhinitis and the others asthma. 3 patients showed a control reactivity towards the electrophoretically separated flour protein antigens while others had antibodies to flour antigen with molecular weights less than 100 kD or 80 kD in the case of rye. Reactivity towards antigens with molecular weight higher than 50 kD was typical of dermatitis patients, while the rhinitis and asthma cases' sera reacted towards lighter flour proteins in the 20-30 kD range. The procedure is simple, a random serum sample (5 ml) suffices, and it allows demonstration of sensitization to flour protein in a way which may be helpful in the evaluation of exposure and the diagnosis of allergic conditions due to flour dust, a major etiology of occupational respiratory disease 0 (Antigens). 0 (Plant Proteins)

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