Occupational Asthma Reference

Artiunina GP, Bykov VR, Baikova IS, Nikolenko VS, Akimov AA, Health disorders in workers of the fish processing industry. [RUSSIAN], Gig Tr Prof Zabol, 1992;:34-35,

Keywords: oa, fish, yellowfin, ep, cross sectional, food, Russia, rh, de

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The contributors propose a study of the labour conditions (microclimate, work load and intensity) in processing of dried yellowfin fish, describe results of the psycho-physiological and clinical studies, including medical examinations, epicutaneous testing, ventilation capacity of the lungs and peripheral blood laboratory studies. It was established that the technological processes of drying yellowfin fish exhibited exposure to the biological factors causing irritations and sensibilization of the skin fraught with occupational diseases (dermatitis) and respiratory disorders (allergic rhinopathy and the pre-asthma syndrome)

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