Occupational Asthma Reference

Carta P, Boscaro G, Mantovano S, Papi G, D'Ambrosio P, Cherchi P, Respiratory symptoms and pulmonary function in the Italy primary aluminum industry., Med Lav, 1992;83:438-444,

Keywords: oa, alumina, paper, aluminium, ld, potroom, Italy

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The paper reports the results of a longitudinal study of 1478 workers in the primary aluminium industry in Italy (aluminium reduction with the pre-baked anode process) covering the prevalence and incidence of chronic obstructive lung disease, chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma, and analysis of lung function deterioration over time (annual decline in FEV1) in relation to occupational exposure and individual non-occupational features. The incidence of respiratory symptoms of chronic cough and expectoration was significantly higher among electrolytic shop workers, in whom the annual decline in FEV1 was also significantly greater. In this group the incidence and prevalence of asthmatic manifestations was particularly high compared to casting and workshop workers. Asthmatic symptoms showed a short latency period related to exposure in potrooms and seems to be characterized by a marked deterioration in lung function over time even after withdrawal from exposure

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