Occupational Asthma Reference

Grammer LC, Shaughnessy MA, Davis RA, Exposure to TMXDI (meta) aliphatic isocyanate and TMI (meta) unsaturated aliphatic isocyanate. Clinical and immunological evaluation of 96 workers, J Occup Med, 1993;35:287-290,

Keywords: oa, isocyanate, manufacture, TMI, IgG, TMXDI, IgE, nc, ep, cross sectional, Ig, new, ir

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We evaluated 96 workers employed at facilities that manufacture or use TMXDI (meta) aliphatic isocyanate and TMI (meta) unsaturated aliphatic isocyanate. We used immunoglobulin (Ig) and IgG serum antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) studies and a questionnaire designed to identify symptoms compatible with work-related syndromes such as asthma and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. There were no workers with immunologically induced disease due to TMI isocyanate or TMXDI isocyanate nor were there any workers whose questionnaires suggested new onset of asthma. Approximately 40% of workers experienced some irritant symptoms, mostly upper respiratory or ocular. One worker had low level IgE antibody against TMXDI-HSA but had no work-related respiratory symptoms. Very low-level IgG against TMI-HSA or TMXDI-HSA was present in 7% of workers, all of whom were in the high-exposure category Spills occured during startup. exposures up to 0.5 ppm

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