Occupational Asthma Reference

Belin L, Immunologic specificity of isocyanate-induced IgE antibodies in serum from 10 sensitized workers, J Allergy Clin Immunol, 1989;83:126-135,

Keywords: oa, IgE, isocyanate, hapten, imm, methods

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A procedure for the preparation of RAST disks used to assay isocyanate-specific IgE antibodies was developed. The outcome of the RAST was found to be strongly dependent on how the isocyanate test antigen was synthesized. Specific IgE from selected workers with isocyanate asthma reacted optimally to conjugates with less than or equal to 10 isocyanate molecules bound per molecule of human serum albumin. Further haptenization resulted in decreased specific binding and increased nonspecific binding because of high levels of total IgE. The hapten and carrier specificity of isocyanate-induced IgE antibodies were studied by direct RAST and RAST inhibition. The existence of new antigenic determinants related to both the isocyanate hapten and the carrier could be demonstrated. It was important to use a test antigen prepared from the same isocyanate as that to which the worker had been exposed, since the cross-reactivity between different isocyanate haptens was partial and varied from one patient to another. It was confirmed that isocyanate-specific IgE antibodies can be demonstrated only in a subgroup of workers with isocyanate-related bronchial asthma

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