Occupational Asthma Reference

Jones RN, Rando RJ, Glindmeyer HW, Foster TA, Hughes JM, O'Neil CE, Weill H, Abnormal lung function in polyurethane foam producers. Weak relationship to toluene diisocyanate exposures, Am Rev Respir Dis, 1992;146:871-877,

Keywords: oa, isocyanate, foam, ep, TDI, ls, ld, sm, key, br, am

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Exposures to toluene diisocyanate (TDI) were studied for effects on respiratory health of workers in two plants manufacturing polyurethane foams. Intensive personal monitoring was used to characterize job exposures. Of 4,845 12-min personal samples, 9% exceeded 5 ppb and 1% exceeded 20 ppb. Initial questionnaire and spirometry were obtained in 386 workers (88.7% of target population). Current smoking was associated with lower mean FEV1 and FEF25-75, but percent predicted (% pred) means were normal in all smoking categories. Multiple regression showed significant adverse effects of cumulative TDI exposure on initial level of FVC and FEV1 of current smokers, and an effect at borderline significance (p less than 0.063) on FEF25-75 over all smoking categories. Logistic regression showed that chronic bronchitis was more prevalent among those with higher cumulative exposures, after controlling for smoking, age, and sex. Methacholine (MCh) reactivity was associated with reduced airway function, -8.5% pred for FEV1 and -20.0% pred for FEF25-75. In 227 with adequate follow-up, the slopes of annual change were abnormal, for example, FEV1 of -67 ml/yr in current and -53 ml/yr in never smokers. Men had worse FEV1 declines than did women, -71 ml/yr versus -43 ml/yr. TDI exposure, lifetime or concurrent, had no significant effect on slopes, despite its demonstrated effects on initial level of lung function and on prevalence of chronic bronchitis

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