Occupational Asthma Reference

Quirce S, Contreras G, Dybuncio A, ChanYeung M, Peak Expiratory Flow Monitoring Is Not A Reliable Method For Establishing The Diagnosis Of Occupational Asthma, Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 1995;152:1100-1102,

Keywords: columbium, diagnosis, asthma, peak flow, d

Known Authors

Moira Chan-Yeung, University of Hong Kong Moira Chan-Yeung

Santiago Quirce, Madrid Santiago Quirce

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This is a study of the reliability of peak expiratory flow (PEF) monitoring using a portable computerized peak flow meter, the VMX Mini-log, in 17 subjects referred for suspected occupational asthma. Subjects were requested to monitor their PEF six times daily using the VMX Mini-Log for 2 wk at work and at least 10 d away from work. They were unaware that their readings were stored by the flow meter in addition to the digital readout. Four subjects (22%) were unable to complete the monitoring. The results recorded by the subjects were compared with the results recorded by the VMX. Of those who completed the monitoring, only 55.3% of the records were completely accurate in terms of the value and the timing of the measurements, 23.3% were inaccurate either in terms of the recorded value or of the timing of the measurement, and the remainder were fabricated results (not recorded by the Mini-Log). Our results suggest that PEF monitoring using ordinary peak flow meters for assessment of work-relatedness of asthma has limitations and is not reliable

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