Instructions for the Mini-Wright Meter

Instructions for the Mini-Wright Meter

When to take the readings

The readings should be taken regularly, whether at work or not. The readings should be taken on waking and then approximately at two hourly intervals until you go to bed. Also, do extra readings when and if you have symptoms.

It is Important that you write down the times that you start and finish work each day.


  1. Ensure that the white plastic mouthpiece is securely placed into the end of the barrel of the peak flow meter. Set the indicator to Zero.
  2. Stand or sit in good posture.
  3. Hold the peak flow meter lightly, with the gauge uppermost and ensure that your fingers are kept away from the gauge.
  4. Take a deep breath - As Deep As Possible.
  5. Place the mouthpiece into your mouth and close your lips around it tightly. Blow Out, as Fast and as Hard as possible.
  6. Make a note of your reading i.e. where the arrowhead on the indicator is lying (where each small line = 10 units). After this, return the indicator to Zero again.
  7. Do this Three Times, so that you obtain three close readings.
  8. Write down the Highest of your three readings in the correct column onto the chart provided. If the readings are more than 20 units apart, then take some more readings, but always write down the highest.

Please note: if you need to take your inhaler when it is time to carry out a peak flow reading, do the blow first, then take your inhaler. If you forget to take a reading, please do not guess what you may have got, just go onto the next recording when you remember.

Please remember to write down your name, job and date on All of the charts provided. Thank you for your assistance.


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