Occupational Asthma from Hydroxylamine (new cause)

Occupational Asthma from Hydroxylamine (new cause)
This paper describes two case reports of Hydroxylamine (used as a replacement for glutaraldehyde) causing asthma in paper recyclers.

Agent: Hydroxylamine (replacement for glutaraldehyde)

Job: Deinking recycled paper

Proof: IgE not tested Skin prick test to allergen extract not tested
Non specific bronchial reactivity abnormal in 2/2 and improved post removal but < fourfold
Serial peak flow records positive 2/2; Oasys scores 2.85 and 2.67
Specific Bronchial Challenge: late reaction to aerosolised hydroxylamine; lesser reaction when painted

Follow up: Better after relocation away from exposure, improving NSBR


Abstract Available for The paper recycling industry, hydroxylamine and occupational asthma: two case reports Tran S, Hoyle J, Niven RM, Francis HC, The paper recycling industry, hydroxylamine and occupational asthma: two case reports , Thorax, 2007;62:A130,
Jennifer Hoyle, North Manchester General Hospital, an author of 'The paper recycling industry, hydroxylamine and occupational asthma: two case reports' Rob Niven, Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester, an author of 'The paper recycling industry, hydroxylamine and occupational asthma: two case reports'


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