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Biological monitoring in platinum refiners has very long half life

Biological monitoring in platinum refiners has very long half life
Ammonium hexachlorplatinate, used in platinum refining, is one of the most potent agents known causing occupational asthma. Urinary platinum can be used for biological monitoring. It has a biphasic excretion pattern, the first phase with a half life of about 50 hours, and a prolonged phase lasting years. The current paper has a good review of platinum biomonitoring, and gives results for platinum refiners in South Africa, the words largest producer of platinum.


Abstract Available for Urinary excretion of platinum from South African precious metals refinery workers Linde SJL, Franken A, du Plessis JL, Urinary excretion of platinum from South African precious metals refinery workers, Occup Environ Med, 2018;75:436-442,doi.org/10.1136/oemed-2017-104820


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