Cannot find the patient details file

Cannot find the patient details file
The Oasys client stores all personally identifiable information about patients on each users local computer. It is stored in a file called the "Patient Details File".

Oasys creates a patient details file during installation containing 4 example patients so you will not normally see these messages unless you change the default options.

The location of your patient details is set in the Oasys Options and defaults to "My Documents\oasyspatientdetails.opd". If you store your patient details file somewhere else (on a network share or on a usb stick for example) then Click on "Edit - Options" on the main menu, and then the "Internet" tab to tell Oasys where you are keeping this file.

Every time Oasys wants to look at the patient details file but cannot find it you will be shown the following message.

"Cannot find the patient details file. If you think you already have a patient details file please check the options.'

This can happen the first time you run the program, and in this case is nothing to be worried about.

Every time Oasys wants to update the patient details file but cannot find it you will see the following message.

"Cannot find the patient details file, a new one will now be created. If you think you already have a patient details file please check the options.

This can happen the first time you run the program, and in this case is nothing to be worried about.

You will normally get the chance to cancel whatever you are doing at this point, if you do not the following message is displayed to confirm the creation of the new patient details file.

"Could not find the patient details file so have created a new one."


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