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Hydroxylamine used as glutaraldehyde replacement in paper deinking causes occupational asthma (new cause)

Hydroxylamine used as glutaraldehyde replacement in paper deinking causes occupational asthma (new cause)


Job Paper recycling (deinker) 2 cases
Specific IgE not done 
Skin prick test not done
Non-specific reactivity hyperreactive in 2/2, One showing significant improvement after emoval, the other having no change following a late challenge reaction
Serial Peak Flow Both positive oasys scores
 Induced sputum not done
Specific Challenge 

1/1; Specific bronchial challenge showing late reaction to aerosolised hydroxylamine for 3 minutes, no reaction when painted. Reaction lasted 3 weeks requiring prednisolone.


improved in the one case removed from exposure


Abstract Available for Occupational asthma and the paper recycling industry Tran S, Francis H, Hoyle J, Niven R, Occupational asthma and the paper recycling industry, Occup Med (London), 2009;59:277-279,
Jennifer Hoyle, North Manchester General Hospital, an author of 'Occupational asthma and the paper recycling industry' Rob Niven, Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester, an author of 'Occupational asthma and the paper recycling industry'


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