Upper Airways Infection

I am an anaesthetic practitioner at a mid sussex hospital.
In Feb of this year I developed a rather bad upper airways infection that subsequently turned into an ear infection.
I finished a course of Amoxicillin, swam the next day and a day after developed central chest pain with a difficulty in achieving peak pressures of my vital capacity.
Investigations showed: ST elevation condusive with an MI and elevated cardiac enzymes.
I believe the strong chlorine in the pool broke down the mucosa protecting me from infection, and since the antibiotic got rid of good bacteria as well of some bad bacteria, these bad guys entered and caused the viral peri carditis.
I am 35 years old. Resting heart rate normally 47-57. BP 120 systolic. I am 6 ft 2" tall and weigh 84 kg.
I now have ectopics.
Occupational Asthma, Specialist, 2/20/2006, 12/8/2006,

This is outside my experience of occupational asthma or problems with pool air

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