Bird fanciers lung and Owls?

I have been diagnosed with Bird fanciers lung, but so long as I keep away from birds I should be ok (we had africian greys, amazons and budgies in that were kept in the home. Does anyone know if I would have the same problem with owls, they would be kept outside in a large avairy, any info would be great I would ask my consultant but I do not need to see her for 6 months.

Many thanks
Occupational Asthma, Worker, 12/4/2008, 12/4/2008,

Potentially the owls will cause just as much problems as other birds. There are two main routes of exposure, one is from the bloom on the feathers and the other is from droppings. Both need to be inhaled to cause problems. It would be much wiser not to get any owls.
Occupational asthma: Bird Fancier's Lung Bird Fancier's Lung

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