OASYS will not let me interpret

Dear Oasys Team Please can you help me? OASYS will not let me interpret the information I have enetered. The following error message comes up:- Graph caused a general protection fault in module OGRAPH.EXE.at0009.192B. Chose close. GRAPH will close. Do you think it is installed right or something else? I would really appreciate your help if you can. Thank you.
Oasys, Specialist, 7/18/2007, 7/18/2007,

The free version of Oasys does have bugs in I'm afraid. The occassional crash is almost an inevitability (save frequently!) However I think that most / all files can be made to work with persuasion.

You can analyse a file without interpretation by clicking on "Record - Max Min Mean (Solar Day Interpretation)...F6" instead of "Record - Max Min Mean (Day Interpretation)...F5".

Other things to look for are that all the events are in the correct order in the data sheet. If this is definitely the case then there is no need to press the "Interpret" button as stated in the manual. You could skip this step and hopefully avoid the crash.

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