severe reactions (anaphlaytic) to chlorhexidine

I am a Trade Union Official, with a member who works in the NHS and has developed a very severe reaction to Chlorhexidine - not through touch, but just being near the stuff. From what I can see, the only literature is about contact or topical application.

The member concerned has had to resign (given the widespread use of CH) and I am researching the issue to evaluate any potential claim. If anyone can help, please post back or contact me directly on Many thanks!
Occupational Asthma, , 2/9/2007, 2/14/2007,

There are a number of reports of asthma caused by chlorhexidine, and one of anaphylaxis, the references are below. Shield has two reports of healthcare workers with occupational asthma from chlorhexidine, one in a midwife and one in a pharmacist who sprayed chlorhexidine into a fume cupboard before making up sterile intravenous preparations. In her case the airflow was from the fume cupboard outwards to protect the product.
Abstract Available for Anaphylaxix to chlorhexidine. Case report. Implication of immumoglobulin E antidodies and identification of an allergenic determinant Pham NH, Weiner JM, Reisner GS, Baldo BA, Anaphylaxix to chlorhexidine. Case report. Implication of immumoglobulin E antidodies and identification of an allergenic determinant, Clin Exp Allergy, 2000;30:1001-1007,

Abstract Available for Occupational asthma in nurses due to chlorhexidine and alcohol aerosols Waclawski ER, McAlpine LG, Thomson NC, Occupational asthma in nurses due to chlorhexidine and alcohol aerosols, Br Med J, 1989;298:929-930,

Abstract Available for The incidence of IgE and IgG antibodies to chlorhexidine Layton GT, Stanworth DR, Amos HE, The incidence of IgE and IgG antibodies to chlorhexidine, Clin Exp Allergy, 1989;19:307-314,

Abstract Available for IgE antibody-mediated reaction caused by topical application of chlorhexidine Ohtoshi T, Yamauchi N, Tadokoro K, Miyachi S, Suzuki S, Miyamoto T, Muranaka M, IgE antibody-mediated reaction caused by topical application of chlorhexidine, Clin Allergy, 1986;16:155-161,


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