health effects of MVOCs

I'm writing to inquire whether you have published research on the health effects of MVOCs. I once read an article based upon your research which concluded that a musty smell at home more than doubled childrens' risk of developing asthma. Physicians in the US are almost completely unaware that exposure to mold is not limited to contact with the fungal matter. My experience in the field, after doing over 1200 IAQ surveys, shows that people experience ill health effects even when spore counts are "normal", especially when mold is growing in crawlspaces or inside walls. Once the excess mold is removed and the defect corrected, they regain their health in most cases. This leads me to believe that the exposure to the MVOCs is a significant factor and that more research is needed. Thanks in advance for your reply.
Occupational Asthma, Specialist, 1/17/2007, 9/12/2007,

No research on MVOC's I'm afraid. Measurements well beyond our capabilities. Sorry for the delay in replying, I was trying to find somebody else with data

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