Can initial asthma attacks occur away from work?

I am a 55 year old man, ex-Machinist and Automotive worker for over 30 years, production, stampiings and foundry. My initial, very severe attacks, came 2 weeks apart at home while sleeping. It has been diagnosed as "Occupational Asthma" by 2 of 3 Doctors. The company went bankrupt, complicating the WSIB investigation. During each attack, I thought I would die standing in my kitchen, unable to recover my breath. Second attack, 4 days in Hospital, medication provided, unlike the first attack.
Abstract Available for Spreading of occupational allergens: laboratory animal allergens on hair-covering caps and in mattress dust of laboratory animal workers Krop EJM, Doekes G, Stone MJ, Aalberse RC, van der Zee JS, Spreading of occupational allergens: laboratory animal allergens on hair-covering caps and in mattress dust of laboratory animal workers, Occup Environ Med, 2007;64:267-272,

Occupational Asthma, Worker, 10/10/2006, 4/25/2007,

Occupational asthma can occur in those with pre existing asthma when a worker becomes allergic to a substance in the workplace or can occur for the first time due to the work exposure. The exposure causing occupational asthma for the first time should be less than 24 hours before the first attack, usually less than 8 hours. There are a very few individuals who become allergic to an occupational agent outside the workplace, usually because they are in contact with a worker who has enough allergen on their clothes or hair to cause sensitisation to another.
Abstract Available for Asthma related to occupation of spouse Venables KM, Newman Taylor AJ, Asthma related to occupation of spouse, Practitioner, 1989;233:809-810,
Tony Newman Taylor, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, an author of 'Asthma related to occupation of spouse' Kate Venables, Oxford University, an author of 'Asthma related to occupation of spouse'


A new paper shows that workers with laboratory animals can carry the antigens (the bits you are allergic to) home. They measured them in their mattresses, which would at least be enough to provoke their allergies in their bads at home.

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