Occupational asthma in a new build school

Hi there, I haven't been diagnosed officially as having occupational asthma, although since sept 2005 I have now been diagnosed as an allergy related asthma which is aggrevated when I am at my place of work... work that one out! I teach in a new build school, 2 1/2 yrs old. There has been approx 10 members of staff diagnosed similiary, many of them no longer work in the building, some of them still working in there but puffing regulary on the inhalers to get through the day. I found your site by pure accident, and thought you may be interested in whats going on there. I am very worried about my, and others long term health issues, but as yet we are getting no answers from the local government. Not sure what you will make of this, but I'd be interested in your thoughts ..... yours puffingly
Occupational Asthma, Worker, 9/28/2006, 9/28/2006,

Schools can be the source of occupational asthma. Most often the cause is in the cleaning agents used, particularly those containing biocides such as benzalkonium chloride or isothiozolinones (these may not be listed on the data sheets even if present). Residues of these are often left on tables and hard floors, to be inhaled later. Some building suffer from water damage and mould growth, which has been a particular problem in Scandinavia. Floor coverings, and in particular the adhesives used to stick them down have also been implicated, many contain acrylates which are a possible cause of occupational asthma. Sometimes things such as latex in balloons or gloves may be the cause. New buildings may offgas a lot of solvents, which can be minimised by using low emitting materials in construction or heating the building before occupation (baking out); symptoms are then commonly irritant to eyes in particular rather than due to allergies. If you have problems it is more likely that occupational health will be of help rather than local government. Occupational physicians should be those who can differentiate between asthma that is work-related and that which is unrelated to work.

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