Medical doctor definition

Can you please define a medical Doctor for me in a more detailed way. I am a first year nursing student who has dyspraxia as a disability -please!
Occupational Asthma, Health Professional, 3/6/2006, 3/6/2006,

I am afraid we don't quite understand your question. A Doctor is technically someone with a doctorate i.e. someone with a highere resrach dgeree - either a PhD, or MD. These are usually nothing to do with medicine although some medics do have MD's or PhD's and are therefore "proper Doctors".

The term Doctor in the UK if usually applied to someone with accredited training in medicine, usually with a degree in medicine. They're able to practice as a physician and see patients in the usual way.

Within medicine there are many specialities. Dyspraxia if severe would be in the realms of neurology.

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