Link between occupational asthma and emphysema

I have had occupational asthma for a number of years before eventually managing to be given a different work place. I have now been diagnosed with emphysema. I am getting on in years and have never been a smoker. Can any one help me with articles that link the two conditions.
Occupational Asthma, Worker, 2/20/2006, 2/20/2006,

Emphysema is not thought to be a complication of asthma. Emphysema is defined as enlargement of the air spaces and destruction of the alveolar walls. It can be shown on high resolution CT scans and is suggested by finding large lungs with low gas transfer measurements and pressure dependant collapse on a flow-volume loop. It is part of COPD. Some doctors use the term emphysema rather loosely, to refer to airways obstruction that is not fully reversible. Airways obstruction with a fixed element is quite common in more severe asthma and is part of disease progression which can occur if you remain exposed to the cause of your ocuupational asthma for sometime after you have developed occupational asthma. this is the basis of advice to be removed from exposure as soon as possible after a diagnosis has been made.

There are very few occupational causes of emphysema. Cadmium fume is the best example. It is also probable that the occupational COPD from silica and coal dust has a contribution from emphysema.

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