Reaction to machine shop fluid

My husband started working at a machine shop in mid February. He has been having sinus-type issues for over a month now (as of 31 March) and is snoring so loudly (due to sinus congestion) at night that he's waking our baby! We're concerned that he might be having a reaction to the machine shop fluid's odor. He comes home reeking of the shop's smell, and showers immediately, but is it possible that he's reacting to the machine shop's fluid?

Occupational Asthma, Worker, 2/20/2006, 2/20/2006,

Exposure to metal-working fluid (suds) can cause rhinitis and a blocked nose (as well as asthma and alveolitis). Rhinitis can lead to snoring and sinus congestion. If it is due to work it should be better on nights after days away from work or on holiday. If not it is more likely to be due to obstructive sleep apnoea (particularly if he has a thick neck with a collar size of 18 inches or more). Many metal-working fluids smell, some bad due to uncontrolled micobial growth, and sometimes from deodorants added (particular pine oil)

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