Occupational asthma in a diesol loco garage

I worked in an underground, confined, poorly ventilated, diesel loco garage. In your opinion could this have caused me to get occupational asthma? Any help or assistance would be appreciated. Thanks. Keith Naisbitt.

Occupational Asthma, Worker, 2/20/2006, 2/20/2006,

Diesel exhast is a contoversial issue. There is good evidence at least in animals that diesel exhast makes allergy more likely. There are some individuals in bus garages where diesel engines are run without proper exhaust extraction, where workers get asthma which is worse on workdays. It is likely but not proven that diesel exhaust is the cause. I would start by keeping serial measurements of peak flow (see section I'm confused). If this is positive then it would be best to see a doctor who is interested in occupational asthma.


yes.diesel fumes can cause reactive airway disease which is occupational asthma.i worked for 23 years in auto dealership garages and have been diagnosed with it also..do you know of any lawsuits/class action on otherwise that we can sign up for?please let me know..

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