Reaction to Johnson Wax

After Employer waxed floor, ("Johnson Wax", was used), the previous night, I entered premises, within 30 - 45 minutes I was having numerous reations : light headed, nausous, headache, feeling of floating, disorientated, difficulty breathing, etc.
Is this an allergic reation ? Or a chemical reation ?
(Please note : I am allergic to Latex & have had same symptoms & much More due a reconstructive phase at place of employment)
As well, fellow employees suffer from same reactions after waxing has been done in the business.
An answer to this delema is greatly appreciated for myself & fellow employees that also, have had to leave work for the day after waxing the floors.

Occupational Asthma, Worker, 2/20/2006, 2/20/2006,

The symptoms sound more like a solvent problem than an allergy. Was anything else used for cleaning?


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