Occupational asthma from welding fume

I cant even seem to stay in the building where i work will this ever go away? I have been told by a specialist that i have occupational asthma.
Occupational Asthma, Worker, 2/20/2006, 2/20/2006,

From your keywords it suggests that the problem is caused by welding fume, which is a relatively uncommon cause of occupational asthma. Once you have been sensitised and have occupational asthma, quite low levels of exposure may be enough to make the asthma worse. Some occupational causes are much worse in this respect than others. For instance isocyanate fumes can cause asthma when the exposure is very low, whereas most people think that welding fumes cause less problems at low levels of exposure. If you have occupational asthma, you should work in an area were the levels of exposure are below those which cause any problems for you. It should be possible in most workplaces to reduce welding fume levels with good exhaust ventilation to levels which do not cause problems to other workers in more distant parts of a factory. There may be enough exposure to cause symptoms when you get inadvertant exposure when getting to you workplace, going to meal breaks or the toilet, or clocking on. You may need to find other routes to your workplace.
Once developed occupational asthma may go away, but also may not. If you are removed from exposure within 12 months of first trouble the chances of a complete recovery are increased.


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