Congeinital Hypothyroid / Breathing problems from burning plastic

I was working for a company who produced plastic car parts (interior) while I was pregnant.When the machines were being tool changed and the unused material was being burnt off, I was subjected to a lot of fumes, these were apparently monitored but didnt stop me having to cover my mouth.

I was not a setter but an operator so we were not supplied with a face mask, consequently my son was born with congeinital hypothyroid we have no trace of it in the family, I also developed breathing problems in the last 12 months, I have been left 2 years. Could my job have been to blame for both these instances?
Occupational Asthma, Specialist, 2/20/2006, 2/20/2006,

I have consulted a toxicologist who says that the only causes of congenital hypothyroidism would be exposure to fairly high quantities of a radioiodide or, some anti-thyroid drug. Both these seem unlikely from the brief occupational description.
Plastic fumes during injection moulding are a possible cause of occupational asthma. Several different plastics have been involved including PVC, polyethylene and recycled plastic. All should cause asthma at the time of exposure, which can persist after leaving. They would not be the cause of asthma which started for the first time after exposure ceased.

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