Occupational asthma to electrosurgical plume

Could you tell me whether you know anything about electrosurgical plume? The surgical nurses got very steamed up about this in 2002 and I did an extensive literature review to back up the risk assessment. General conclusion was a theoretical risk, very little clinical evidence.

I have been asked for an updated view. A repeat Medline search shows v little.

Have you seen any clinical problems associated with this? I’d be very interested to hear.
Occupational Asthma, Specialist, 2/20/2006, 2/20/2006,

I know of nothing about electrosurgical plume, or indeed how it differs from burnt steak. I have looked at the plume from dental high speed drills and ultrasonic descalers (dentine, blood, endotoxin, bacteria etc) perhaps associated with some eye, nose and throat complaints plus the risks of the blood. I have also seen occupational asthma in theatre nurses particularly during recovery due to anaesthetic gases (particularly sevofluorane), as well as the more usual latex, biocides and acrylic bone cements. I would be interested to know if anyone else had seen anything.


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