Vertigo caused by allergic reaction

I was employed by a large clothing supplier where embroidery was done to thousands of items daily on the first floor of the building. There was an open stairway leading to my area where I had a desk job. My question...after working there for six years, I suddenly developed vertigo. Can vertigo be caused by an allergic reaction? Before I was able to go back to work, I was found allergic to colophony and had to leave my job but am left with occupational asthma.
Occupational Asthma, Specialist, 2/20/2006, 2/20/2006,

Vertigo is a feeling that everything is going round, either horizontally or vertically, when everthing is actually not moving. It is due to problems with the balance organ deep inside the ear. It often makes you feel sick, as in travel sickness. A common cause in benign positional vertigo, when the vertigo comes on with head movement, often at night, and settles within 30 seconds or less when the head is still ( It can last for hours or days without obvious head movement (vestibular neuronitis) or cause deafness (Meniers disease). If headache is severe causes in the head need excluding. As far as I know none of these is related to occupational asthma.

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