Allergy to colognes

After having used certain colognes and after shaves for years without any problems, all of a sudden I have an allergic reaction to them on my face, which I believe is symptomatic of contact dermatitis. I have addressed the problem successfully by using balms and creams etc. instead of what I had been using. But my question is "Why, after so many years, have I suddenly become allergic to these products?".
Occupational Asthma, Specialist, 2/20/2006, 2/20/2006,

Allergy takes a time to develop, during this time (the latent interval) you have no problems. For instance hay fever due to grass pollen often starts at the age of 10 or 20, yet the pollen has been inhaled each year beforehand without problems. Sometimes the latent interval can be very short, such as a few weeks with very potent allergens such as castor beans or platinum salts, sometimes it can be many years, for instance with wheat flour in bakers. Sometimes new components are added to an existing product so that the allergy is to something new. Fragrance allergy is very complicated, it is likey that the constituents of after shaves have changed over the years.

I wore the same perfume for twenty years, but now I am allergic to it, I am also allergic to most other perfumes that contain Oak Musk, but unfortunately since most perfumerers are very secretive about the ingredients of their products,I now do not use anything at all with 'parfum' in it

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