What is the deffinition that you use to determine LMW vs. HMW?

Is is 10,000 Da or 1,000 Da or what is the cutting off point that says anything over this is HMW and anything under is LMW?
Occupational Asthma, Specialist, 1/25/2012, 2/1/2012,

There is no clear cut-off between high and low MW agents. High MW agents are usually classified as those sufficiently large to act as antigens on their own (i.e. without requiring conjugation to a carrier). This applies to most biological agents.
Anything under 1000 daltons would definately be a low molecular weight agent, even if biologically derived, such as the resins from various trees (e.g. colophony, podocarpic acid and plicatic acid). There is clearly a grey area in between.

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